Indhumathi Gunasekaran
Ms. Indhumathi Gunasekaran is a final year Electronics and Communication Engineering student at Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, India. She is currently serves in the roles of Regional Student ambassador of R10, Section lead of IEEEXtreme 14.0, Chairperson of Computer Society chapter of IEEE Panimalar Institute of Technology Student Branch, Vice-Chairperson of IEEE PIT SB, the Founding Chair of Nuclear and Plasma Sciences society and IEEE Brand Ambassador of the Student Branch. Indhumathi was previously the IEEE Student Branch Secretary and Chairman of
Women in Engineering Society of the Student Branch. Indhu has won Richard E Merwin Scholarship, Upsilon Pi Epsilon Scholarship in recognition of her outstanding academic, professional and leadership accomplishments. She has also been awarded with IEEE WIE Inspiring Student Member Award for the year 2020.
Acknowledging her achievements she has been awarded as the “outstanding student award 2020” , “EMERGING STUDENT VOLUNTEER” award for the year 2018 and “the best student of the year 2018” by ISTE TN Section level in their 18th Annual Convention. Not just in IEEE but she has also proved herself in academics with outstanding performance. She secured the first rank in her department during the university examinations for several academic years. She has been an active participant, volunteer and has coordinated and organised many co-curricular and ext racurricular activities. She has been and will always be a source of inspiration for upcoming minds.
She has a been a kind person in helping new minds for their development : In her spare time, she founded and served as organizing secretary for She-the coder and initiated the school education program. Her determination and courage has made her to do many achievements making her as remarkable person.