Faouzi Laoue
Faouzi Laouej was born on April 12th in 1991 in Ghomrassen, Tunisia, He is currently working as an Electrical and instrumentation Engineer In NAWARA Oil & Gas Field. He
was working as QAQC Engineer in many oil and gas projects.
He got his Electrical and Automation Engineering Diploma at the National Engineering School of Gabes (ENIG). He has always been an icon of leadership and volunteer work among the IEEE family since 2013. He is serving as IEEE PES Tunisia Chapter Chair and IEEE IAS Tunisia Chapter Vice Chair.
Faouzi Laouej, as volunteer, has participated in the organization of many professional and humanitarian activities. He graduated from the VOLT program in 2017. He is also theR8 Co-Chair of the 2020 PES GSC Congress. He is Ex President Of Junior Chamber International (JCI) Ghomrassen and he is certified trainer from JCI University since 2015.