Felipe Diniz
2020 IEEE UFPB PES SB chapter chair
The 2020 IEEE PES Global Student will have track session with IEEE Smart Village panel about projects, opportunities, and previous experiences around the world. The IEEE Smart Village panel will have Frank Lambert (2020-2021 IEEE PES president), Nirupama Kumar (IEEE HAC project chair and 2019-2013 IEEE Smart Village ambassador) and Mercy Chelangat. Also, Felipe Diniz (2020 UFPB PES SB chapter chair) will moderate the IEEE Smart Village panel. The speakers will share all opportunities and best practices to inspire PES student and young professionals work in their countries with IEEE Smart Village projects.
IEEE Smart Village (ISV), a pillar initiative of the IEEE Foundation, catalyzes development in disenfranchised communities around the globe. It does this by providing technical and financial support to local entrepreneurs who expand both energy access and education to remote communities. This model of sustainable community development is successful because the empowered beneficiaries play an active role. This sets ISV apart from other humanitarian and development initiatives, and as seen through its early stages, the program produces tangible results.
ISV has provided energy access to more than 150,000 people in rural communities around the world. In addition to supplying power for basic home needs, this expansion of energy access provides the foundation for education centers in the Himalayas, coffee mills and schools in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and multiple agricultural co-ops in Nigeria, Uganda and Cameroon. ISV’s development model, driven by the efforts of local entrepreneurs, addresses the unique needs of each community.