Frank C. Lambert
Frank Lambert is a Principal Research Engineer and the Associate Director of the National Electric Energy Testing, Research and Applications Center (NEETRAC) at Georgia Tech. He has more than 43 years of experience in transmission / distribution system design, construction, operation, maintenance, automation, and R&D and is responsible for interfacing with NEETRAC’s members to develop and conduct research projects dealing with transmission and distribution issues.
Frank was part of NEETRAC’s management team at its launch in 1996. Previously, he was Distribution Manager at Georgia Power Company responsible for AM/FM/GIS, Distribution Automation, and Construction Management Systems. During his career with Georgia Power, he served as a field Distribution Engineer, field Transmission Engineer, Research Engineer, Network Underground Test Supervisor, Research Manager, and Manager of Network Underground. Frank received his BEE and MSEE degrees from the Georgia Institute of Technology and is a registered Professional Engineer in Georgia.
IEEE Accomplishments
Frank has served on the PES Governing Board as VP of Chapters since 2014, where he is responsible for providing support to 244 local PES Chapters and 240 PES Student Branch Chapters in Regions 1 thru 10. During this time, 21 new PES Chapters and 107 new PES Student Branch Chapters have been initiated. Prior to his present PES duties, he served as Region 1-7 Representative on the Governing Board from 2010 – 2013 and Region 3 Representative from 2007 – 2009. Frank was Chair of the Atlanta PES Chapter when it was named Outstanding Chapter of the Year in 1994.
Frank has also been actively involved in PES Technical Activities since 1982, serving on a variety of Working Groups in both the Distribution Subcommittee and Switchgear Committee. He was most recently Vice Chair of the WG for C37.302-2015 and a member of the WGs for IEEE 1695-2016 and C37.41-2016. He is also actively participating in the Scholarship+ and Smart Village Programs