Dr. Ruomei LI
Dr Ruomei LI is the Chair of Women in Power (WIP) Chair of IEEE PES, WIP Liaison in IEEE WIP, member of LRP in PES. She is senior member of IEEE. She has been PES WIP chair of China since 2018. Ruomei is the initiator and organizer of international women engineers events in power and energy field in Chinasince 2012. She is the CIGRE WIE Chair/Co-Chair in 2013~2018. She is now in Board of Supervisors of CWAST (China Women’s Association for Science and Technology).
Ruomei Li is now the Invited Research Fellow of Energy Internet Research Institute in Tsinghua University since 2015. Before, she was the Deputy Secretary General/Secretary General of CSEE, during 2004~2013, responsible for the management of the society with 120,000 membership. She has made important contributions in speeding up the internationalization process of power and energy engineers in China, and promoted the partnership with IEEE, CIGRE, CIRED, ICEE, WFEO, IET, ASME, ABB, Siemens and GE.
Ruomei LI received her Ph.D. from University of Bath, UK, in 2000; M.E. from CEPRI in 1989; and B.E. from Hefei University of Technology, China, in 1982. During 1994~1995, Ruomei has been in UMIST, UK, upon Lee Kai Hueng Fellowship Foundation.
Ruomei started her career as electrical engineer in 1982, in Power Dispatching Center of Anhui Provincial Power Bureau, China, for 4 years. From 1989 to 1994, she is in China Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI), as researcher and project manager, in the fields of power system simulation, planning and operation control. During 1994~1995 in UMIST, UK, she has done the work of reliability and economic assessment on the system with pumped storage. Ruomei LI has worked in power electronics field since 1996. From 2000~2004, Ruomei is the Chief Engineer of S&T Dept of CEPRI, one of her main achievement is on real-time digital simulation of complex power system.
Ruomei LI is the moderator of Major Group of S&T in The Asian and Pacific Regional Implementation Meeting on Rio + 20 Outcomes, Bangkok, 2013. She participated UN CSW event in New York every year from 2017 to 2019, being speakers in parallel events several times.
Ruomei LI is the recipient of IEEE PES Wanda Reder Pioneer in Power Award in 2019.