Dr. Thiago Ribeiro de Alencar
IEEE PES CSAC (Chapters Student Activities Committee) Chair
Dr. Thiago Ribeiro de Alencar is from Santos (Brazil). He attended at UFABC (Federal University of ABC) in São Paulo, where he graduated Ph.D. in energy (2017), M.Sc. degree in energy (2012), B.S. degree in management engineering (2017), B.S. degree in aerospace engineering (2011) and B.S. degree in science and technology (2009). In 2011, Thiago was one of the first 5 graduates in aerospace engineering degree in Brazil. His main research interests include interdisciplinarity, neural networks, wind power, optimization of hydropower plant operation and water transfer between rivers with artificial intelligence techniques (genetic algorithm and ant colony system).
Thiago has the passion to work without borders and make positive impact people’s lives in a collaborative and interdisciplinary way. He received the 2017 IEEE MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award (Global level) and 2015 IEEE Theodore W. Hissey Award (IEEE Region 9 level) just to mention some of the awards received by Thiago. Since 2014, Thiago made proposals as co-founder for different new IEEE PES initiatives, for example, IEEE PES Day celebration, IEEE PES RES (Renewable Energy in Schools), PES RES for kids, PES YP CEP (Continuing Education Program), PES Zero Hunger Day and PES NwB (Networking without Borders) project.
He is an IEEE volunteer since 2008 and IEEE PES volunteer since 2010. Thiago have supported IEEE in many different positions in IEEE Student Branch, Chapters, Section, Region and Global levels in last 12 years. Currently, he is the IEEE Region 9 HAC chair, IEEE Region 9 SIGHT coordinator and IEEE HAC Communication Committee member in IEEE levels. In PES level, he is the IEEE PES CSAC (Chapters Student Activities Committee) chair, PES student chapter coordinator (Regions 1-10), PES YP (Young
Professionals) Committee Membership Development coordinator (Regions 1-10), IEEE YP representative (Regions 1-10) at PES HAC (Humanitarian Activities Committee) and PES student representative in the PES Long-Range Planning Committee.
Finally, he was the R9 PES YP representative (2014-2017). Also, he was the PES South Brazil Section chapter chair for 2 years (2011-2012). In 2014, he was Monash University PES SB chapter chair (Australia). He was co-founder for UFABC IEEE Student Branch (2009) and first IEEE PES student chapters in the IEEE South Brazil Section (R9, Brazil, 2012) and IEEE Victorian Section (R10, Australia, 2013).